Mission Statement
- Killamarsh Medical Practice exists to serve the medical needs of our community.
- We aim to involve patients in their care and enable them to make informed decisions about their treatment.
- We recognise and wish to maintain the professional standards and quality of life of all who work in the Practice.

Our Aims and Objectives
Review And Improve Medical Working Practices And Services Provided, To Ensure We Provide The Best Possible Care To Our Patients.
This incorporates issues such as prescribing, disease management, and referral to Secondary Care, as well as our general service provision and health promotion activity.
Review Patient Education And Information, To Enable And Allow Informed Decisions About Their Health And Their Care.
We believe that patients should be involved in decision making about their health and their care, and recognise that we have a role in informing and educating, as well as in actually involving patients in the decisions.
Improve Access To Clinical And Administrative Information Within The Practice
We want to improve our paper handling and use of IT to ensure information reaches doctors and patients as quickly as possible, both with regard to individual patients and aggregate data.
Develop our Relationships with Trusts, the Health Authority, and the Primary Care Group to Enable Us to Influence Changes in Primary and Secondary Care.
We want our patients to receive the best possible care whenever and wherever we refer them, and will use our influence as a purchaser, and our relationship with the Commission, to improve services at the hospitals we use.
Develop Our Staff, And The Wider Primary Care Team.
We recognise the value of the work our staff and the wider primary care team do, and the contribution they make to the achievement of our Practice aims. We wish to involve them as fully as possible in the development of the Practice, and the care of our community.