Reception Team
We are fortunate to have such a caring, hard-working, and dedicated team of Receptionists in our Practice who go above and beyond on a daily basis for our patients and staff.
Our Reception Team do so much more than solely answer the telephone, make or cancel appointments ... they also respond to emails, process e-Consult submissions, process samples dropped off in the Practice, record new patient registrations, process patient fee payments, process referrals, and are the key link between our patients and Clinical Team.
GP Partners
MBChB (Dundee 1990), BMSC; GMC number 3497359
MBChB (Sheffield 1996), DRCOG, MRCGP; GMC number 4299428
Salaried GPs
MBChB (Birmingham 1999), DRCOG, MRCGP, DFFP; GMC number 4606015
MB ChB (Sheffield 1996); GMC number 4312813
Physician's Associate
A Physician's Associate can diagnose many conditions, order tests and interpret the results, then make referrals if needed. This means they can take some of the load of the GPs which, in turn, also means less waiting time for patients.
Advanced Clinical Practitioners
Advanced Clinical Practitioners (ACPs) are highly trained, skilled clinicians who can help you with many different health problems.
ACPs can prescribe medicines, order tests and interpret the results, and work on treatment plans with patients.
ACPs are invaluable as they can help a lot more patients, freeing up our doctors to see patients with the most urgent or complicated health issues.
Practice Nurses
Our Practice Nurses deal with a wide variety of different health issues such as giving baby immunisations to helping with long-term conditions like diabetes and asthma. They can also do breast examinations, check a strange rash you are worried about, and discuss different types of contraception available to you.
Practice Nurse
Community Nurse Practitioner
Senior Practice Nurse
Our Phlebotomist can take blood samples and do blood pressure checks.
Healthcare Assistants
Health Care Assistants (HCAs) have special training to help with vaccinations such as Covid-19 and Influenza. They do lots of jobs around the Practice that nurses used to do, so now they can see patients more quickly.
My name is Nicola and I have been a Healthcare Assistant at Killamarsh Medical Practice since September 2003. My role has changed massively since starting ... from just doing bloods, blood pressure readings and ECG's to also doing Spirometry lung function tests, health checks, suture and staple removing, flu and B12 injections, diabetic work ups and lots more.
I love the fact that my job is so varied and is different each day, not knowing what challenges lay ahead. On a typical week I see around 126 face-to-face patients (not including flu clinics). I also do lots of things 'behind the scenes' like stock checks, stock ordering, stocking GP rooms, recalls for patient's to attend for their monitoring bloods and putting away deliveries to name just a few.
I really enjoy my role and love meeting patients each day, some I have grown to know over the years I have been working here. It is always a pleasure to serve the people of Killamarsh.
I have worked at Killamarsh Medical Practice for 10 years, initially in Reception, but have recently received training and moved across to becoming a Healthcare Assistant. A typical day consists of phlebotomy, DM checks, urinalysis, administering certain vaccines, cold chain monitoring, equipment checks, amongst other things and supporting the Practice Nurses. I find the team here are great to work with, sharing laughter and tears on a daily basis, who work endlessly at providing the best service they can to the residents of Killamarsh.
Mental Health Team
The aim of our Mental Health Team is to bridge the gap between Primary and Secondary Care Mental Health Services. We aim to ensure the patient's care is more streamlined and appropriate for their needs.
Clinical Pharmacists
Our Clinical Pharmacists help our patients understand and get the most out of their medicines. They can also help with lifestyle changes to tackle long-term conditions, order blood tests where necessary and often advise patients who have just come out of hospital and need help with their new medications. Having two Clinical Pharmacists in our Practice means our patients have an expert they can talk to quickly when they need to.
Data and Administration Team
Our Data and Administration Team are an important part of our Practice as they deal with all administrative requests from our patients, clinicians, and a wide variety of hospitals throughout the UK. Part of their role includes ensuring correct clinical coding against each patient record, summarising past medical history to ensure each patient record is up-to-date, and supporting all clinician and hospitals requests in Derbyshire and Sheffield.
Medical Secretary
Assistant Medical Secretary
Community Team
Our Community Team focus on providing a succinct and co-ordinated care journey for our patients. Our Care Co-ordinator is the single point of contact for patients, and their carers, to navigate the health and care system, aiding to break down traditional barriers between different health and care organisations.
Care Co-ordinator
Healthcare Support Officer
Management Team
Our Management Team deal with a wide variety of Practice-related business such as staffing, finance, social media and the website, buildings and maintenance, and clinician rotas.
Practice Manager
Deputy Practice Manager