Practice News
Non-attendance of patient appointments in February
Carer Support Day, Wednesday 4th June 2025
NHS Long Service Awards to our staff
Act FAST - Help Us, Help You
Punch Out Parkinson's
If you live with Parkinson's disease, or know someone who does, Killamarsh Active are offering a boxing exercise class which improves strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular health.
The sessions take place every Tuesday, 2.00-2.45pm, and costs £5.35p for those living with Parkinsons. Their carer(s), can join in for free!
Free tea and coffee are available afterwards.
For further information about keeping active, please look here.
Self referral to Social Prescriber Link Workers support
New mental health crisis helpline on 111
The NHS has launched a new crisis helpline on 111, giving patients another way to get urgent help if struggling with their mental health. Just call 111, and press 2.
For further information about this new NHS service, please read here.
Additionally, further information on supportive services during a mental health crisis or emergency can be found here.
Launch of the NHS Volunteering website
Do you want to stop vaping or know someone who does?
Strictly No Falls classes
Patient sharps bins - what we can and can't accept
- complete the front label with your details;
- ensure the sharps bin is locked.
ASD / ADHD referrals
Statement from the Practice Manager:
We have seen a significant rise in requests for ASD / ADHD referrals and this increase in demand is being replicated across the country. As a consequence, this has placed a huge demand on the various private and public neuro-developmental services.
This message is intended to describe some of the waiting times patients should expect once we have submitted referrals to such organisations. It is important for all to understand that this Practice does not have any control over the waiting lists, nor are we able to influence their prioritisation of their workload.
ADHD 360 |
Pharmacy First service
- Acute Otitis Media* (ear infection), 1-17 year
- Impetigo, 1 year and over
- Infected insect bites, 1 year and over
- Shingles, 18 years and over
- Sinusitis, 12 years and over
- Sore throat, 5 years and over
- Uncomplicated urinary tract infections, women 16-64 years
Have you recently had a positive experience at our Practice?
Time To Talk Day
1st February is Time To Talk Day ... an annual awareness day to start a conversation about mental health. Talking about mental health isn't easy but a conversation has the power to change lives.
Tips for talking
Ask questions and listen
Think about the time and place
Don't try and fix it
Treat them the same
Be patient
Measles - MMR vaccine
Statement from the Practice Manager
- First Contact Practitioners;
- Physiotherapist;
- Advanced Clinical Practitioner;
- Mental Health Specialist;
- Pharmacist.
Correct telephone number for the Practice
The only telephone number which should be used to contact the Practice is (0114) 251 0000. Please amend any previously saved telephone numbers in your telephone handset or mobile phones. The telephone number (0114) 251 0002 is no longer applicable.
Common cold advice
Colds are caused by viruses and easily spread to other people. A person remains infectious until all their symptoms have gone, and this usually takes 1-2 weeks. Colds are spread by germs from coughs and sneezes which can live on hands and surfaces for 24 hours.
To reduce the risk of spreading a cold:
- wash your hands often with warm water and soap;
- use tissues to trap germs when you cough or sneeze, and bin used tissues as quickly as possible;
- do not share towels or household items (like cups) with someone who has a cold;
- do not touch your eyes or nose in cause you have come into contact with the virus as it can infect the body this way;
- stay fit and healthy.
To help you get better more quickly:
- get plenty of rest and sleep. If you have a high temperature or you do not feel well enough to do your normal activities, try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people until you feel better.;
- drink plenty of water (fruit juice or squash mixed with water is OK) to avoid dehydration;
- adults can gargle with salt water to soothe a sore throat.
Further NHS information and guidance can be found here.
Norovirus advice
Norovirus (the 'winter vomiting bug') is spreading quickly at the moment. It is important to wash your hands frequently with soap and water to stop the stomach bug spreading. Alcohol hand gels do not kill norovirus.
Norovirus can spread very easily and can be caught from:
- close contact with someone with norovirus;
- touching surfaces or objects that have the viurs on them, then touching your mouth;
- eating food that's been prepared or handled by someone with norovirus.
Further NHS information and guidance can be found here.
Requests for supporting medical forms or letters
For various circumstances a patient may require a supporting medical form or letter to be completed by one of our GPs. Depending upon the provider's deadline of the document, may we ask patients to allow a maximum 4-week turnaround for this to be completed within the Practice due to the number of requests we receive.
Once the document is ready for collection we will contact the patient directly.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Introduction of automated telephone callback system
From today we have introduced a new automated callback facility to our current telephone system. We have listened to patient feedback and hope this new automated callback facility will improve our patients' experience when contacting the Practice.
When you now telephone the Practice you will be placed in a queue and informed how many callers are currently waiting for their telephone to be answered. After a period of time you will be offered the following choices:
- press 3, to receive a callback from ourselves (once your virtual place in the telephone queue reaches number 1). You will be asked to confirm your callback telephone number, which will be read back to you, and to press 1 to confirm or 2 to enter a different callback number.
- press #, to return to the queue and wait until your call is answered.
- hang up and try again at another time.
It is important:
- to keep your telephone close to you so you can be ready to answer the automated callback.
- for any call which isn't answered, a member of our Reception Team will leave a voicemail message letting you know we have returned your call. Due to the automated callback system we are limited to returning your original call only once.
We looking forward to receiving your feedback regarding this latest improvement to our Practice.
Learning Disability Annual Health Check
If you have a Learning Disability and are aged 14 years or over, you are eligible for an Annual Health Check.
Please contact our Reception Team to book an appointment.
Prescription authorisations - allow up to 3 working days
Patient experience feedback
As a Practice, we welcome all feedback - both positive and negative - on our patients' experiences in the Practice. Below are the different ways patients can submit their feedback to us:
- either going to the NHS Friends and Family form on our website's homepage or completing a paper form in the Practice and posting it in the box to the left of our Reception desk;
- leaving a review via the NHS website here;
- if you have a Google account click here and then search for 'Killamarsh Medical Practice;
- join our Patient Participation Group (PPG) and attend meetings in the Practice with members of our Management Team.
Patient feedback is imperative to the future of our Practice as it is key in us knowing:
- where we can improve;
- where we can celebrate our achievements.
Please let us know what you think ... our patients are our priority.
20 years service celebrated at Killamarsh Medical Practice
Today members of staff at Killamarsh Medical Practice took time out of their busy working day to acknowledge and celebrate Nicola Parker's 20th anniversary of working at the Practice.
Nicola, one of our Healthcare Assistants, is not only well-loved and respected by all members of staff but also by many of our patients. Dr Strachan paid a heartwarming tribute to Nicola not only acknowledging her healthcare work, but also her friendship and a long-standing supportive colleague to many in the Practice.
Nicola said "I started at Killamarsh Medical Practice in 2003 as a part-time Healthcare Assistant when my youngest son started school full-time. As the years progressed my hours increased and I have been full-time for the last 7 years.
I am fortunate to work with some wonderful colleagues that I can also call my good friends who certainly make coming to work a pleasure and, without them, I think getting through the pandemic and my personally challenging times would have been a lot harder. So thank you to my colleagues for that!
I enjoy coming to work every day as I enjoy meeting and helping our lovely patients and also taking their blood!
Over the years my role has evolved from taking bloods, blood pressures and ECGs, to doing lots of other things including spirometry, health checks, podiatry (as part of the diabetic reviews) and vaccinations. Recently I have taken on a new role recently of Infection Prevention and Control Lead with the help of the Senior Practice Nurse.
I hope to be here for many years to come!"
Thank you Nicola for everything you are and do for us.
Stay healthy in the heat
During hot weather it is important to take extra care of ourselves and others. Some top tips are:
- Keep out of the heat if you can: if you have to go outside, stay in the shade especially between 11.00am and 3.00pm, wear sunscreen, a hat and light clothes, and avoid exercise or activity that makes you hotter.
- Cool yourself down: have cold food and drinks, avoid alcohol, caffeine and hot drinks, and have a cool shower or put cool water on your skin or clothes.
- Keep your living space cool: close windows during the day and open them at night when the temperature outside has gone down. Electric fans can help if the temperature is below 35 degrees. Check the temperature of rooms, especially where people at higher risk live and sleep.
For further NHS advice on how to cope during hot weather, please click here.
Patient samples for testing
- the sample pot is tightly fastened before putting inside the external bag;
- the external bag itself is dry before handing to a member of our Reception team.
Expressions of interest to join our Patient Participation Group (PPG)
- Review the latest national GP Patient Survey results;
- Consider patient concerns, comments or suggestions about the quality of service provided, and what improvements can be made;
- Be fully briefed about NHS policies and procedures, and the delivery of services;
- To exchange information and ideas;
- To improve communication between the Practice and its patients.
Lung conditions - the importance of good inhaler technique
Do you want to stop smoking but unsure what to do next?
Community News and Healthcare Noticeboards
Did you know we have a Community News noticeboard specifically for events in Killamarsh and the local area? It can be found on the left-hand side as you enter the Practice. If you have an event you would like to publicise, please hand the information to a member of our Reception Team.
Whilst visiting our Practice, please also take the time to look at our Waiting Room noticeboards and information stand (to the right of our Front Desk) as they contain a lot of useful information relating to not only local and healthcare services, but also a specific topic such as 'Loneliness' and 'carer support'.
International Nurses Day
My first job as a qualified Staff Nurse was at Sheffield's Haematology Oncology ward – I worked with some of the best nurses I've ever met. They were so knowledgeable, caring, and supportive. I couldn’t have wished for a more advantageous first job!
I have worked as a General Practice Nurse for 11 years, I completed the Practice Nurse foundation programme at Sheffield University whilst working at Tramways Medical Centre, I have been working at Killamarsh Medical Practice for the last six years.
My role at Killamarsh Medical Practice has developed, I am now the Senior Practice Nurse and the diabetes and respiratory lead. I gained my non-medical prescribing qualification in 2022. I am very fortunate to work with a wonderful team at Killamarsh Medical practice (both clinical and non-clinical staff). My nursing team colleagues are brilliant, they make my working day enjoyable, and we are there for each other, both professionally and personally. The Killamarsh team make my day brighter, I do not think a day passes where I don't smile or laugh at least once. I think it is our close friendships and work ethics that supported us through the pandemic. This was an extremely challenging time for our team and a very steep learning curve.
In the next 12 months we will be reintroducing nursing students to the Practice again. Education is something I am passionate about. This will raise the profile of General Practice nursing as a first destination career.
The General Practice Nurse role, has and continues to evolve to meet both service demand and clinical care, I still have some professional ambitions and I am grateful that Killamarsh Medical Practice is supporting me in my professional development."My motivations include:
- making health care real for people of all ages;
- helping my patients have a good understanding of their health problems and achieving outcomes that are positive for them;
- ensuring they remain healthy as a result. I am always happy to give guidance that is beneficial."
Thank you Kristy and Teresa for everything you do!
Your next poo could save your life
In a new ‘Help Us, Help You’ campaign that is the first of its kind nationally, NHS England is encouraging people who have been sent an NHS bowel cancer screening kit to complete the test.
Bowel cancer is the fourth most common cancer in the UK, and detecting it at the earliest stage makes you up to nine times more likely to be successfully treated. But, almost one third of people who were sent an NHS bowel cancer screening test in England last year did not go on to complete it.
Just a tiny sample detects signs of cancer before you notice anything wrong. The test is simple to complete and can be done in the privacy of your own bathroom. Anyone aged 60 to 74, who lives in England and is registered with a GP practice will be sent a test in the post automatically, every two years. NHS England is also extending this to include all 50 to 59 year-olds by 2025.
So, the NHS is asking anyone who is sent a bowel cancer screening test to remember to complete it. Put it by the loo. Don’t put it off. Your next poo could save your life. Visit here for more information.
eConsult service - update
Group A Streptococcal and Scarlet Fever infections
We would like to raise awareness regarding these two medical infections following a rise in cases nationally. Please watch this YouTube video for further information as to what to look our for in children.
Please also see the NHS guidance here regarding how to treat a sore throat yourself.